Distance Healing

"Love and light are the two elements, the two component parts of all earthly existence: love as the soul part, and light as the outer material part.
In some form or other all spiritual healing depends on a stream of love, which we pour into another person as a balsam."
 Rudolf Steiner - Manifestations of Karma Lecture 10.

My work as a universal healer is to establish a 'bridge' to the Love in the Universe, for in actual fact it is the host of Higher Spiritual Beings under the guidance of the Christ that supply the Love that enables us to heal.

In a meditative state, I connect with the individual human/animal by stating my intent to do a healing session for them. During the meditation I send a stream of love towards the individual until such time a temporary 'bridge' has been built between the individual human/animal and the Universe. Once the 'bridge' has been created, I thank the Universe, ask them to please continue with the healing and I disconnect from the individual human/animal. It takes about 20 minutes (sometimes a little bit longer) for me to establish the 'bridge'. A healing consists of 3 sessions, sometimes 4. Very seldom; more sessions are required.